29 décembre 2012

Adieu 2012

Eh bien, it's the last weekend of 2012. There's a fresh layer of snow on the world outside my door. I'm mesmerized as the flakes drift down, but thoughts of all I have yet to do before 2 January are making my head spin. I have learning experiences to design, pages to read, grades to post. Curriculum maps are due, housework is being neglected, and so much more...
Time for a second cup of coffee and create my plan of attack. Enjoy the final hours of the year & remember time is something you can never recover. Make the most of every opportunity!

17 novembre 2012

Blogging-Just one more task on my list?

I really do WANT to incorporate blogging as part of my teaching, but do I have time? Do my students have time to read/respond? Do I need to add another link to their list of sites they use/visit daily? Weekly? And if this is a classroom activity, shouldn't it be in French?



«On commence à veillir quand on finit d'apprendre.» de proverbe japonais


Comment est la prof?

J'ai passé mercredi-vendredi avec les directeurs et autres profs en apprenant comment évaluer les profs selon le modèle OTES (Ohio Teacher Evaluation System). Et aujourd'hui, comme pendant ces trois jours, je me demande, «Je suis comment comme prof?»

Mes élèves, sont-ils engagés avec les leçons et les activités pédagogiques? Apprenent-ils quelque chose d'utile de moi chaque jour? Est-ce que je suis consciente de leurs besoins et de leurs compétences? Qu'est-ce que je fais avec les observations et les moments de reflexion? Mes élèves, savent-ils comment je les aime et les admires? Apprenent-ils le français?

Il n'y reste que deux journées scolaires cette semaine. Il est important que j'utilise d'avantage ces moments précieux.


Comment est la prof?

ZUT! J'ai écrit un poste et je l'ai perdu!

21 octobre 2012

Ça va, ça marche!

OK, si je veux vraiment incorporer mon blog dans la salle de classe, il faut que je l'écris en français, n'est-ce pas? Bon, ben, mes chers élèves/amis!

On écrit un blog pour quelle(s) raison(s)? Pour partager les actualités de ma vie quotidienne? Pour commencer un dialogue avec les autres? Pour offrir un moyen différent d'apprendre le français? Que dites-vous?

Test post

This is a test. Recent blogs have not published.

06 octobre 2012


Bonjour, fanas de StudyBlue! Hello StudyBlue fans. My name is Julie Frye and I teach French to @115 students, grades 8-12. Our school is located about as centrally in Ohio as you can be. We are almost equidistant between Columbus & Cleveland and not even a bad drive to Pittsburgh PA. My first year as a teacher is memorable because I was evaluated just minutes after the World Trade Center towers were demolished on 9/11/01. I have since relocated to Lexington and this year my first group of 8th graders are my graduating seniors. A rite of passage for all of us!

My husband bought me my first iPad in 2010. I immediately started searching for apps that would be useful in the classroom, and 'stumbled into' StudyBlue. THANK GOODNESS! I have since incorporated StudyBlue as an extra credit activity for students (they create and demo), as a pre-reading resource when beginning complex literature, as a study guide for tests and as visual flashcards for new vocabulary.

What I really love is the reaction I get from students when I direct them to StudyBlue and show them not just what I have done for them, but what they can do for themselves.



16 septembre 2012

Work smarter, not harder

Vingt-quatre heures ne suffisent pas pour les tâches dont je m'occupe quotidiennement. Twenty-four hours just aren't enough for the list of things I need to accomplish daily.

J'ai besoin d'une femme! Elle pourrait s'occuper des tâches ménagères comme le nettoyage, le linge, la cuisine, etc. Et ça me laisserait du temps pour ma vie professionnelle; pour préparer des leçons pour mes élèves, pour regarder leurs devoirs, faire des notes, assister aux conférences, écrire ce blog..... La liste n'a pas de fin! I need a wife! She could take care of the household chores like cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. And that would leave me time for my professional life; for designing learning experiences, for checking homework, grading, attending meetings, keeping up with this blog... The list never ends!

Et je n'ai même pas mentionner le temps que j'aime passer avec mon mari. Le week-end, il est presque impossible de relâcher à cause des travaux scolaires. And I haven't even mentioned the time I like to spend with my husband. On the weekend it is practically impossible to relax because of the many obligations I have for school.

Ça suffit, Julie! Arrête ces plaintes et au boulot! That's enough, Julie! Stop the complaining and get back to work!

03 septembre 2012



Je recommence

I set up this blog during a technology course in 2010 and just never followed through. This school year is different. The times, they are a'changin'. I have so many ideas for my classes this year and want to use this forum for some reflection and peer feedback. On Monday, 27 August, I was told I could possibly be adding 14 Distance Learning students to my roster (6 French II, 8 French III). I was nervous and excited. Turns out that 2 students showed up for French II and there were just 4 who arrived for the first session of French III. As soon as class ended, the French III students marched to the principal's office & resigned. Their reason? My own students could speak conversationally and they could not. Pats on the back to my students, but still I felt let down that this group didn't want to set the same goal-speaking conversational French. So, the 2 French II students hung in the first week, but tomorrow is another day. Will they return after the long holiday weekend? That remains to be seen.