Today's challenge: Talk about homework. Do you give it? Why or why not? What types of HW do you give? How do you balance it with other demands?
Désolée, but I have been away from home, wi-fi & civilization for several days! So, back to the challenge...
HOMEWORK, les devoirs. I do assign occasional homework to practice vocabulary or a grammar structure. Because my goal is COMMUNICATION, the HW I assign has the purpose of practicing, incorporating, correcting together in order to provide formative feedback, and THEN we are ready to communicate in more authentic dialogue.
I may assign a few points for students being prepared with HW. I DO NOT COLLECT AND GRADE. Homework is practice. We go over the correct answers together in class, often starting with a "Pair-Share-Compare", so students can help each other before expecting answers from me. While they are comparing answers, I can stroll around the room checking their papers, answering questions they may have, offering praise for work well-done & encouragement to keep improving.
As you look at this taxonomy, you can see that HW review is Remembering. As a class we discuss the usefulness: Understanding, Applying and Analyzing. Once students get the correct answers, they can Evaluate their own efforts. And finally, we are ready for Creating, for putting the lessons to work in authentic situations, and to assimilate the language and structure.