20 avril 2013

La bande-son de ma vie

Tache 1: Choisir 8 évènements de la vie et une chanson d'accompagner chacun.

VOILÀ, mes mémoires sans les chansons. Je dois contempler et choisir la musique qui correspond à ces moments.

a. Ma famille a déménagé quand j'avais 7 ans.

b. J’ai commencé à porter des lunettes et les bagues (un appareil dentaire) quand j'avais 12 ans.

c. J’ai fait couper les cheveux dans le style "shag" quand j'avais 13 ans.

d. J'ai travaillé à une piscine en été et aux restaurants dès l'âge de 15 ans.

e. Mes parents m'ont acheté une voiture (Barracuda!) quand j'avais 16 ans.

f. J’ai commencé les études supérieures quand j'avais 17 ans.

g. J'ai rencontré mon mari deux mois plus tard.

h. Je suis allée en France pour faire les études quand j'avais 19 ans.


02 avril 2013


Wow, I have NOT been diligent in journaling here - but, rest assured, I HAVE BEEN diligent in continuing the 90 day transformation. Today is day 86! I have struggled with a few of the weeks' themes, and know I fall far short in achieving the goal of becoming a Proverbs 31 woman.

Today's assignment: Write a vivid description of the woman you want to be at eighty-five.

The scripture reference is Joshua 14:8-12. Caleb is now eighty-five himself. He has remained true to God & has relied on God's promises for the past forty-five years. That is when Moses sent him out to scout the land & Caleb was in the minority when he asserted that the enemies could be defeated by God's power. They have now taken possession of the promised land, and Caleb is asking for his portion: "So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I'm just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then."

And so, with the Proverbs 31 woman, Caleb, my own parents & grandparents, and so many other heroes of the faith as my role models, who/what do I want to be at eighty-five? How do I intend to 'finish strong'? I have thirty years to consider as I look ahead on the path of my lifetime; and the assignment is to write not just a description, but a vivid description!