16 janvier 2013

Day 10-Devote Yourself to Prayer

A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.
Proverbs 31:-10-13


Often, the work meant for those 'eager hands' is to be folded in prayer. In her book, Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be, Donna Partow defines the purpose of prayer as bringing "heaven's power to bear on earth's circumstances."

What are your circumstances? Have you called on the power of heaven to sustain you? At times, prayer can and will change our circumstances. At other times, we should be prepared for prayer to change our hearts and minds, to change us in the midst of those circumstances.

And pray without ceasing! Here's a challenge for the rest of the journey: TITHE YOUR TIME IN PRAYER. How many wakeful hours are in your day? In mine, I average 17-18. That's about 2 hours for consciously communicating with my Heavenly Father. That time doesn't have to be on your knees, just make your prayer habit as natural as breathing. Do you or a loved one have an illness? Pray. Does the morning/evening news distress you? Pray. Did a driver cut you off in traffic? A shopper with an overflowing cart use the Express line? Pray. Do you notice a stranger with tears in their eyes? Someone begging on a corner? Do you have decisions to make? Are your children young? Are they adults? Are your parents suffering the difficulties of aging? Are you? Pray, pray and pray.

And then...watch. Watch to see what an all-knowing, all-powerful, loving God does with your prayer.

Finally, be thankful. Be thankful that He knows better than we do. That His plans and His timing are perfect. That the battle is already won, even though we may suffer momentarily.

God bless you, I am praying for YOU today.

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